Dial it up

Today’s younger generation have it much easier. Am I able to say that at the age of 26? Well I just did so get over it. In the age of technology it is funny how far we have come from when I was a child: in some ways for the better but in equal measure, for the worse. Pondering on this I have come up some things kids today will never experience. Or for that matter neither will we which also makes me sad. Here are my Top 5 Technology related struggles kids today will never experience. Sad times. 1) - Dial it up Remember that ring up alien sound? Remember the excitement it brought? Remember using the internet before Google was everyone’s home page? AOL Search anyone? I dare you to try to explain to our younger generation the trials and tribulations of unplugging the house phone so you could have 30 minutes of fun on line (I used to frequent the Disney home page in those innocent days). The thought that having some fun online meant having to give up any calls ...