Tap Tap

At times I tend to get a little over excited. Like a child a with a toy. Last month I took a trip to Bangkok. The first leg of my journey was an Emirates flight from London to Dubai. I boarded promptly and took my allocated seat near the back, I was in the aisle while a charming lady was in the window seat. We had struck it lucky, the middle seat was vacant. Hurray. Let me tell you what happened on the plane. I am not sure about you, but when I am first presented with the in flight entertainment I dedicated a good 10 or 15 minutes stock piling a favourites list the size of the a small country. This plane ride was no different. It goes a little something like this. Rick and Morty season 2? yes to all of this ‘Tap tap tap’. Ingrid goes west? Great movie ‘Tap tap tap’. Classic Disney movies? get that shit in my list. ‘Tap tap tap tap’. As I continued to add favourites to my hearts content I am completely oblivious to the growing tension, mo...