A picture tells a story. Yours is telling a horror.

There is a wide spread phrase we all know extremely well. It goes 'A picture is worth one thousand words'. If this is the case, shouldn't you be careful with the photos you use on your online profiles? Especially the photos you use to attract a potential partner. Depending on the kind of photo you use there are many things I as a person may or may not read into it - whether it's true or not, it's what I perceive and perception is my reality right? These photos are all the other person has to go on. If you are anything like me, the picture is telling you a story about the person within it. Giving away all kind of juicy details some good, mostly bad. Below I have compiled a list of common photos you come across online and what I personally read into them. I am the first to admit I am a judgmental bitch. I have warned its just what I read into it. Photo / Photos of you with a number of attractive boys / girls. I will presume you...